He also said that my spleen had shrunk and is just a little enlarged now. I am blessed to be in remission and thankful to all the prayers said for me. I wasn't able to have chemo on Wednesday due to my low white blood count. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster at times. Up one minute and back down again. I wanted to get the 6th cycle of treatments out of the way. I'm surprised because I had an on-site injector of medication after July's chemo treatment, so my white blood count would stay high enough for this month. It was 420 and needs to be 1000 (which is still low) or higher to be able to have chemo. Next appointments are August 28 and 29 for chemo treatments. I'm glad Dr. Herms made it for 2 weeks instead of this next week already. He wants my body to have time to recover from the low blood count.
This delay in treatment gives me more time to decide what to do about the maintenance program. I have Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and the marginal zone type which has relapses. If I do a 2 year maintenance plan, I'll go every other month and get the drug rituximab by IV. If I do this, I might have 7 years before I get marginal zone type of NHL again. If I don't do it, I might have 4 years before it returns.