I had to wait to see a GI specialist and saw him on Monday, October 10th. He said the CT scan I had in the emergency room showed an enlarged spleen. He ordered a liver and spleen scan, which I had this past Thursday. I have not heard anything about the results. I am hoping I will tomorrow on Monday. On Oct. 30th, I have another CT scan scheduled. Dr. Ionna wants to give my abdomen time to settle down, then see what new CT scan shows.
I have been blessed with many people praying for me. Prayers have been answered and I am feeling better. I feel normal again. Our youngest daughter, Amanda, said yesterday, "Mom is back."
My hard drive went out of my Dell laptop right before I became ill. I could not believe it. I bought it in June. I had to take it to a technician to take everything off the hard drive and then she put it back in the laptop. It is under warranty and is on the way to Dell for repair. It will take another two weeks after they receive it for the return.
In spite of roadblocks, I am hoping my book, PRISCILLA'S ESCAPE, will still be released this year.