The Vinspire authors received a shock on October 23rd when the publisher sent us a group email about closing after 20 years in business. None of the authors saw this happening. I had a five-year book contract.
I was fortunate to have my series published but I probably wouldn't have paid money to do a Book Launch for my third book, A Journey for Amy.It was released on September 24th. I paid money for an author assistant because I am not technical enough to do the graphics that other book launch teams to do for their members. I had a great time doing the book launch with my members. They made it fun! I'm hoping I can get the reviews transferred to my self-published books.
I paid $75 to the formatter to remove the Vinspire references in my 3 books. I paid $45 to the cover designer to remove the Vinspire logo on the spine and back cover of my 3 books. Other authors had been with Vinspire for many years and have a lot of books to pay for these changes. That is, if they decide to self-publish. It they try to get a new publisher, then they can't use the Vinspire files and covers. If I bought new covers and paid for new formatting, it would cost more. When I received the Vinspire contract, my one daughter and husband told me to self-publish instead, but I was excited my agent got me this contract.
I am in the process of changing all my links to my new ones. I have uploaded the files and covers for ebooks on the sites. I can't do the paperbacks yet because they are still for sale by Vinspire.
It is sad but maybe it will turn out okay for me. I already have my other books self-published. I was with several other publishers in the past, but I made the decision to leave them. Dawn, the publisher, had the book release schedule for 2025 done a few months ago, so I know she wasn't expecting to close at this time.
I am uploading my paperbacks soon. I need to wait until they are removed from Amazon. I am thankful that I got my reviews transferred from my print books to my ebooks now.
Buy my ebooks here (new self-published links for my Amish Adoption series):
B & N